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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Benefits of Pineapples


Health has newest thing to care about. Peoples health is important to them now more than ever. With many diet program and heavy healthy food watchers, fruits especially has become a better snatch to eat. By eating fruits, you gain benefits that will benefits your life. the long life span that you can have from eating fruit is what every body is looking for. One such fruit is pineapple. Read On to know numbers of benefits pineapple can bring to your body

There are many benefits for eating pineapple. Pineapple is full of vitamins and nutrients. All fruits are full of nutrients. However pineapple has more benefits than just being packed with vitamins and nutrients. Pineapples are loaded with vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potasium, fibre, bromelain and vitamin C. In addition it is low in fats and chloresterol. The benefits of pineapple can be obtain through eating fresh, canned or frozen pineapple or by drinking its juice

                                                            THE BENEFITS ARE;

  • It lessens high risk of hypertension- a disease that is killing many people in the world or Nigeria today. Hypertension occurs when too much force is exerted on the artery walls while the blood circulates. One of the best way to combat this is to infuse a high amount of potassium plus a small amount of sodium to diet to lower blood pressure. Pineapples are the perfect for hypertension because a cup of pineapple juice contains 1 mg of sodium and 195 mg of potassium
  • It help you to lose weight. Eating pineapples can highly cut down your sweet craving because of its natural sweetness, saving you from a lot of sugar induced calories. Incorporating a lot pineapples in your meals will also help in a lot weight loss because pineapple can make you feel full without giving you an arms of fat
  • It maintain good eye health. Time and again, studies have found that pineapples protect against age related eye problems because it is rich in anti oxidant   
  • It fights a lot of diseases, being rich in vitamin C. Pineapples are known to be very good source of vitamin C, which protect our bodies from free radicals that attack our body cells. Lot of free radical in the body can lead to major diseases like heart diseases, diabetes and various cancers. Vitamin C is considered the most important water soluble anti-oxidant that fights against disease inducing substances within the body. It is also an excellent fighter against flu and a great enhancer of the immune system 
  • Pineapple helps strengthen your bones so you won't worry about that turning into a snap because pineapple contains iron. Pineapple also help you build healthy bones. It is rich in manganese, a trace mineral that needed for your body to build bones and connective tissues. Just one cup of pineapple provides 73 percent of the daily recommended amount of manganese. The benefits of Pineapple can effect a growth of bones in young and the strengthening of bones in older people
  • It cures constipation and irregular movement because of the richness of its fiber. 
  • It keeps your skin beautiful. Pineapple contains enzyme that make your skin elastic, improve skin hydration and remove damage and dead cells. Thus, it helps achieve a clear and glowing complexion. The enzyme in pineapple also fight free radical damage and can reduce age spot and fine lines
  • It prevent Macular degeneration. So eating pineapple prevent many diseases one such is macular degeneration. This is when your bones determinate through the diseases, it causes death. However, eating pineapple decreases your chances by 36 %. You can feel safe from these horrible diseases.
  •  Helps Arthritis
Those who have arthritis pain, eating pineapples can reduce the pain of arthritis and for those who do not have arthritis, pineapples prevent the disease by strengthening your bones and giving extra iron to your bones. When you eat pineapples, you have a better chance at having a healthier life    

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