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Saturday, September 22, 2012


Value your health, know what foods to avoid, and understand why.

Just think, each time you consume any of these harmful foods, you slash a few hours off your life.

                                WHAT ARE WE EATING?
Today’s modern diet is so desperately lacking in nutrient compared to those of our ancestor’s days. How so? With the advancement of technology, most of our foods are manufactured, genetically re-engineered and processed. Being busy people, we start to rely on heavily on instant meals. We spend lesser time preparing in our kitchen with all the sophisticated equipments, kill and destroy the nutrients and enzymes our bodies so crave. Just are we doing to our bodies?

As I did my own research, I was shocked with the findings about the foods that I have been consuming in my first thirty years of life. By knowing the damages these foods are doing to my body, I started making conscious efforts to gradually change my eating habits. It doesn’t happen overnight but it can be done.

Reduce on eating Acid-Forming Foods
Basically when we eat foods that are “acid-forming” they cause our blood to become more acidic. Acidic blood means “toxic” blood, means “thick blood” means “slow moving” blood that prevent blood to carry out its function of carrying nutrients to every part of our body. Thick blood “hosts” a myriad of harmful organisms (bacterial, virus, parasites, yeast, etc.). over time, it begins to clog up the detox organs.

So what are the acid-forming foods? Some examples: Animal protein, diary products, deep-fried foods, cooked foods, junk/processed foods, oily foods, medication, flour and sugar products (e.g. pastries, cakes, biscuits, doughnuts etc.), artificial foods additives (e.g. emulsifiers, coloring, flavoring, preservatives, stablizers). Plant proteins are also acid-forming 
But are more readily assimilated when compared to animal proteins.

I’m not saying don’t eat these foods, I say eat them in smaller amounts, and eat the alkaline-forming foods more (fruits, vegetables, plant based foods). If you know that you have thick blood, you will do well to begin taking 20% acid-forming foods and 80% alkaline-forming foods to begin to reverse your health problems.

 I may not be able to cover everything here but I want to share with you, some of the basic common foods we all take without thinking of the damaging impact they have on our health. Some of which we have even regarded as “healthy”. They are;



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I am Glamond Obus a lover of health and seeing people being healthy.

Recently I had an introspection of why diseases are on the increase and why people die young these days- a deviation from the trend of our forefathers who lived a well ripen age and why inspites of scientific and technological breakthrouhgh in many other frontals yet disease are still increasing daily?

These questions inspired me to go into research. Behold I discover that human beings have deviated from natural foods- deviated from eating natural foods and resorted to eating chemical foods (bleached, processed foods and medications) that do more harms to the body than sustaining and building it.

The results of these findings now prompted me to write on foods that are beneficial to human beings and to live long. 

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Lemon grass is an amazing super-herb that has been used for hundred of years for both culinary and medicinal purposes

Lemon grass is a green and a white, grass like plant with razor-like blades and it is grown across the planet in warm tropical climates.

You can get lemon grass fresh around you as well as other forms such as dried herb or grounded lemon grass powder

Lemon grass  imparts a distinct lemon flavor when cut or crushed due to a release of an essential oil called Citral. The dried herb also releases the same flavor when steeped as tea.

  • Cough, cold, and sore throats
  • Anxiety
  • High cholesterol
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Colitis
  • Digestion
  • Rough, dry and scaly skin
  • Acne
  • Constipation
  • Kidney detoxification
  • Insomnia
  • Relaxation and deep sleep
Healing Properties And Benefits of Lemon Grass

Lemon grass has many health benefits and healing properties. It contains many  compounds, oils minerals and vitamins that are known to have ANTIOXIDANTS AND DISEASE PREVENTING PROPERTIES

The primary chemical component in lemon grass is CITRAL which has strong anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties.

INHIBITION- Lemon grass inhibits microbial and bacterial growth in the body, both internally and externally, helping to prevent and cure bacterial infections in the colon, stomach urinary tract and respiratory system.

The leaves and stems of lemon grass are high in FOLIC ACID, and essential VITAMINS such as PANTOTHENIC ACID {vitamin B5} Pyridoxine {vitamin B6} and thiamin{vitamin B1}.

ANTI-OXIDANT- Lemon grass also contains many anti-oxidant minerals and vitamins such as VITAMIN C, vitamin A, potassium, Zinc, Calcium, Iron Manganese, copper and Magnesium.

Lemon grass when used in aromatherapy restores and vitalizes the whole body, helping to relieve the symptoms of headache body-aches, nervous exhaustion and stress related conditions.

DETOXIFICATION- Lemon grass tea can act as a diuretic and is highly effective in flush out toxins and waste out of the body, improving the function of many different organs including the liver, spleen and kidneys.

WEIGHT LOSS- It can help one lose weight by shedding unnecessary water along with impurities This allow you to have more energy and process fat more effectively.

Many people use lemon grass as calmative agent; to help them deal with anxiety and nervousness. People who suffer from insomnia report its ability to help them rest and sleep well.

LEMON GRASS nay also have effects on cancer cells .There are many studies online and in medical journals illustrating how lemongrass kills cancer without harming normal cells.

Finally, it prevents arthritis, improves the skin texture, reduces itchy, rash and eczema afflicted skin.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


You can not undermine the importance of ginger in your body! The truth about garlic is every where.It wards off the many diseases that we seem to be developing, it is nothing short of a wonder herb.

Garlic has been used since the ages good health.But scientists are discovering new and exciting uses of this herb and the goodness it can offer.Here's a look at some of the way in which garlic can benefit you.

                                    TREATMENT OF CANCER-
GARLIC can actually help in treating of cancer.Studies have shown that certain components in garlic such as dialy disulphide can kill the cancer cells and help in developing a strong immune system.Garlic is also known to reduce papillary lung tumors.Eating a clove of raw garlic is also known to reduce the occurrence of cancers in the first place.

                                       HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE
Amazing, but true. Garlic can help in monitoring your blood pressure so that the high levels can come down to normal levels. Traditional Asian medicine recognizes it as an effective hypertension controller and this fact is being corroborated by Scientists the world over today. For garlic to help you in controlling your hypertension, you can consume its fresh juice crushed. CRUSH a cloven in a hot milk or simply take one clove each day.

                                      CURATION OF INFECTIONS
GARLIC is known to even cure ear infections especially in children who are very susceptible to them Garlic acts as nature's own ANTIBIOTIC without the harmful effects as it has a very strong anti bacterial and microbial properties.Juice from the clove of raw garlic diluted with water can be placed on the ear directly. Do note that this can cause plenty of pains as the garlic starts acting on the microbes that caused the infection. The pains however, lasts just for a little while and along with it the infection also subsides.        

Benefits of Pineapples


Health has newest thing to care about. Peoples health is important to them now more than ever. With many diet program and heavy healthy food watchers, fruits especially has become a better snatch to eat. By eating fruits, you gain benefits that will benefits your life. the long life span that you can have from eating fruit is what every body is looking for. One such fruit is pineapple. Read On to know numbers of benefits pineapple can bring to your body

There are many benefits for eating pineapple. Pineapple is full of vitamins and nutrients. All fruits are full of nutrients. However pineapple has more benefits than just being packed with vitamins and nutrients. Pineapples are loaded with vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potasium, fibre, bromelain and vitamin C. In addition it is low in fats and chloresterol. The benefits of pineapple can be obtain through eating fresh, canned or frozen pineapple or by drinking its juice

                                                            THE BENEFITS ARE;

  • It lessens high risk of hypertension- a disease that is killing many people in the world or Nigeria today. Hypertension occurs when too much force is exerted on the artery walls while the blood circulates. One of the best way to combat this is to infuse a high amount of potassium plus a small amount of sodium to diet to lower blood pressure. Pineapples are the perfect for hypertension because a cup of pineapple juice contains 1 mg of sodium and 195 mg of potassium
  • It help you to lose weight. Eating pineapples can highly cut down your sweet craving because of its natural sweetness, saving you from a lot of sugar induced calories. Incorporating a lot pineapples in your meals will also help in a lot weight loss because pineapple can make you feel full without giving you an arms of fat
  • It maintain good eye health. Time and again, studies have found that pineapples protect against age related eye problems because it is rich in anti oxidant   
  • It fights a lot of diseases, being rich in vitamin C. Pineapples are known to be very good source of vitamin C, which protect our bodies from free radicals that attack our body cells. Lot of free radical in the body can lead to major diseases like heart diseases, diabetes and various cancers. Vitamin C is considered the most important water soluble anti-oxidant that fights against disease inducing substances within the body. It is also an excellent fighter against flu and a great enhancer of the immune system 
  • Pineapple helps strengthen your bones so you won't worry about that turning into a snap because pineapple contains iron. Pineapple also help you build healthy bones. It is rich in manganese, a trace mineral that needed for your body to build bones and connective tissues. Just one cup of pineapple provides 73 percent of the daily recommended amount of manganese. The benefits of Pineapple can effect a growth of bones in young and the strengthening of bones in older people
  • It cures constipation and irregular movement because of the richness of its fiber. 
  • It keeps your skin beautiful. Pineapple contains enzyme that make your skin elastic, improve skin hydration and remove damage and dead cells. Thus, it helps achieve a clear and glowing complexion. The enzyme in pineapple also fight free radical damage and can reduce age spot and fine lines
  • It prevent Macular degeneration. So eating pineapple prevent many diseases one such is macular degeneration. This is when your bones determinate through the diseases, it causes death. However, eating pineapple decreases your chances by 36 %. You can feel safe from these horrible diseases.
  •  Helps Arthritis
Those who have arthritis pain, eating pineapples can reduce the pain of arthritis and for those who do not have arthritis, pineapples prevent the disease by strengthening your bones and giving extra iron to your bones. When you eat pineapples, you have a better chance at having a healthier life    

Health Benefits of Carrots.

Carrot nutrition Facts-Health Benefits of carrots.

Very few people need inducement to eat more carrots,but upon finding out the many health benefits of carrots even the biggest skeptic has been known to add them to crucite platter or two.

Carrots are sweet,crunchy and packed with fat burning and health promoting properties.Cooked or raw there is much to talk about when you talk about carrot nutrition facts.

About carrots

The first thing you should know about carrots is that,while the most common one is orange,it isn't the only color of the tasty vegetable.They also come in white, red,yellow and purple so don't be shy about trying the many varieties.

In addition to being a fat burning food, carrots are also fat-free foods with zero fat found in 1 medium carrot.With very little sodium and no cholesterol of which to speak,you are getting mostly the good stuff when you bite into a crunchy carrot

Carrots have just a few carbs to give you a slight energy boost,but enough fibre to make sure your body works hard to burn it/ The 3 grams of sugar found in 1 carrot is responssible for its delectable sweetness.

One carrot is packed with many vitamins and nutrients that promote fat loss and optimal health.Carrot nutrition facts indicate just how beneficial how carrots are to a healthy diet with more than 200 of your recommended daily allowance of vitamin A, a necessary nutrient for a healthy functioning body.

Other nutrients found in abundance in carrots include vitamins C, K and B6. Health-promoting minerals found in carrots include potassium, calcium and manganese.These vitamins and minerals are important to sustain good health which is a key factor in fat burning success/

Health Benefits of Carrots

The beautiful orange color of carrots-thanks to Beta carotene-has been known to reduce the risks of different types of cancer,lung cancer in particular.Two health benefits of carrots that be of interest to anyone with excess body fat,are a reduced risk of heart disease and lower cholesterol levels

Another health benefits of carrots that your teacher might have told you in school about was that it is known to improve eyesight.The vitamin A in carrots is responsible for improving eyesight and lower the risk of mancular degeneration, a common affliction among older individuals.

The 195mg of potassium found in carrots can help keep workout- related muscle cramps at bay.So you can continue your fat burning efforts without injury
Adding carrots to your diet can reduce the risk of other weight related illness that include stroke, diabetes and heart disease.Adding a few carrots to your diet will reduce your risk these illnesses while also helping you burn more fat.

    Now, let,s talk about ways to get more health benefits of carrot in your diet.
Low Calories carrot Recipes.

    Carrot-stir-fry: Chop 2 medium carrots into sticks. Slice 1/2 onion thinly and chop 1 brocoli.Heat1/2 tablespoon full of peanut oil in a large skillet or wok over high heat.Add brocoli, carrots,onion and cook until tender for 5 mins.Add 1 tablespoon of low sodium and soy sauce.