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Saturday, November 17, 2012


Salt which is also called SODIUM CHLORIDE is widely used in the cooking of foods. 
 But are you aware of the hidden poisons in your daily food intake?

Table salt is composed of 40% and 60% chloride. The human body needs salt to function. Salt is responsible to help carry nutrients into the cells. It helps regulate other bodily functions such as blood pressure and fluid volume.
It is now that it is really table salt that is causing many untold health problems, regardless of its amount. Because it is refined and processed, what is left of table salt is only sodium and chloride which are toxic to the body.

I will unfold here the hidden salt in commercial food that is extremely harmful to our body.
Sodium Additives

Table salt is commonly used as a seasoning, or pickling agent or preservatives in home cooked foods. However, food manufactures also add some other forms of sodium into foods that is sold to the uninformed public.

It is the excessive sodium in salt that causes many degenerative diseases. Chloride is almost harmless. The food you eat may not taste salty, but let me show you how sodium are hidden in your food.

Excessive sodium of any form can cause high blood pressure  (hypertension) which rapidly increase the risks of strokes and heart disease, the major killers in the recent times in Nigeria, Malaysia and in many developed countries.

There are more than 40 known sodium additives. Here is only a short list of additives that commonly used commercially manufactured foods.                                            
MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE (MSG) as flavor enhancers is present in many package, canned and restaurant food. Commonly used in packet or canned soups, instant noodles, stock cubes, condiments, sauce, snacks, pickles, and canned milk.
SODIUM SACCHARINE as artificial sweetner. This sodium does not taste salty, infact it is actually used sweetner. It is harmful all the same, causing the same problem that table salt would. Commonly used in diet soda, dietetic food and as sugar substitute.

SODIUM ACID PYROPHOSPHATE as a                                                             sequestrant-This agent is used to combine with trace metals in food to render them inactive. Also used leavening mixture for self rising in cakes, dough-nuts, waffles,  
muffins, cupcakes. Also found in sausages and hotdogs. See? Sodium is not necessarily.

SODIUM AGINATE OR CABOXYMETHY CELLULOSE----This is used as a stabilizer, thickener, and texturizer. As an agent to stabilize, retain or intensify the color of foods and prevent sugar from crystallizing. It also increases viscosity and modify food texture. Commonly used in beverages, beer, ice-cream, chocolate-favored drinks, cheese spreads frozen custard, deserts, baked good and pie fillings, diet foods and even baby foods(do we know what we are feeding to our babies?)

SODIUM BENZOATE---It is used as flavoring and anti-microbial preservatives. It has no taste of its own, but it enhances the natural flavor of foods. Usually used when little other natural ingredients are present, as in margarine, soft drinks, milk, pickles, confection, fruit jelly and jams.

SODIUM PROPIONATE----It acts as a preservative to extend the shelf-lives of foods by preventing the growth of micro organisms that hasting the spoilage. Mostly present in all breads, rolls, pastries, pies and cakes.


Many people today don’t see lime as beneficial. This may be, because of its sour taste. This taste makes it unique and distinct than other citrus fruits.
The following are the benefits of lime over health;

The pulp of the lime taste sour and it contains twice the amount of the juice as the yellow,

1. Larger  lemon. The juice, as a drink, makes as one of the best thirst-quenchers. The acid content of lime is know to slow down the oxidation of the fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, thus preventing discoloration and acting as a preservative. 

2. Lime contains by far more vitamin C than the lemon. A glass of warm water with lime juice and a tablespoonful of honey is an ideal remedy cold and dry cough.

3. Lime is a pep-up in case of listlessness and rundown feeling due to vitamin deficiency. The pectin content in the fruit pulp is said to be beneficial in lowering of blood cholesterol.

4. The vitamin C content in lime increases the body’s resistance to disease, aids the healing of wounds and prevents damage to the eyes. It is also helpful in maintaining the health of the teeth and other bones of the body. It prevents the decay and the loosening of the teeth, dental carries, toothache, bleeding of the gum and fragility of the bones.

5. The rind of the fruit contains a volatile oil which is used in medicine for improving digestion and removing wind. It is highly beneficial in the treatment of digestive disorders.

6. The lime juice is of great value in constipation, when is taking first thing in the morning in a glass of warm water.

7. The citric acid limes has an alkaline reaction in the system which can relieve peptic ulcer.

8. Few drops of warm lime juice diluted with water should be instilled in the eye incase of conjunctivitis. Its regular use with rose water in the ratio of 1:4 is helpful in preventing old-age cataract.

9. Lime juice diluted in warm water was proven valuable in cystitis. It gives relief to burning sensation and also stops bleeding cystitis. It is also excellent in weight reduction. Fresh juice of a lime mixed in a glassful of water and sweetened with honey should be in the morning on empty stomach in case of OBESITY.

10. Lime contains LIMONE, this phytochemical are powerful detoxifiers with anti-biotic effect that is positive against bacteria poisoning. Lemon peels when rub on a dry or scally skin restore softness and add moisture to the skin.             

Harmful Effects Of Cooking Vegetable Oils

Polyunsaturated oils, which include vegetable oils like corn, soy, linola and canola are beneficial on their own. However, by making them cooking oils, they are heavily refined and processed, rendering them rancid and toxic. For a long time now, these cooking oils have been mistakenly regarded as the “healthier” choice, but expert have now point out that this is a fatal mistake.

After refining and processing, these beneficial oils become oxidized as they get exposed to heat from the processing, resulting in the formation of trans-fat and damaging free radicals (this is a process called hydrogenation).

The truth is that the coconut oil which have regarded as unhealthy is the better choice for cooking. Unlike most unsaturated oils, coconut oils does not turn toxic when cooked.

Other alternatives are virgin or (extra virgin) olive oil for light cooking or sautéing, or grape seed oils for high heat cooking.

              FAST (FRIED) FOODS

While many of us know that fast foods are bad, we don’t know just ‘how bad’ they are, to stop taking them. We spend our hard earned money on the very things that kill us.

We think that the main danger of frying was that the fats cooked at high temperatures produce oxidants that cause cancer. But I have news for you.

Scientific research have found another cancer-causing substances called ACRYLAMIDE, in foods cooked at high temperatures, whether with or without fats.

While the safe limit set for ARYLAMIDE, in food is ten parts per billion, French fries and potato chips are found to contain more than a hundred times this amount!

ACRYLAMIDE is produced when foods are brown or burnt, or cooked or processed using high heat. These methods include frying, barbecuing, baking, and even by microwaving.

If you must cook your foods, choose to steam, fry or boil your foods instead. This way, the foods would not contain oxidants as you do not burn your food.