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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Harmful Effects Of Cooking Vegetable Oils

Polyunsaturated oils, which include vegetable oils like corn, soy, linola and canola are beneficial on their own. However, by making them cooking oils, they are heavily refined and processed, rendering them rancid and toxic. For a long time now, these cooking oils have been mistakenly regarded as the “healthier” choice, but expert have now point out that this is a fatal mistake.

After refining and processing, these beneficial oils become oxidized as they get exposed to heat from the processing, resulting in the formation of trans-fat and damaging free radicals (this is a process called hydrogenation).

The truth is that the coconut oil which have regarded as unhealthy is the better choice for cooking. Unlike most unsaturated oils, coconut oils does not turn toxic when cooked.

Other alternatives are virgin or (extra virgin) olive oil for light cooking or sautéing, or grape seed oils for high heat cooking.

              FAST (FRIED) FOODS

While many of us know that fast foods are bad, we don’t know just ‘how bad’ they are, to stop taking them. We spend our hard earned money on the very things that kill us.

We think that the main danger of frying was that the fats cooked at high temperatures produce oxidants that cause cancer. But I have news for you.

Scientific research have found another cancer-causing substances called ACRYLAMIDE, in foods cooked at high temperatures, whether with or without fats.

While the safe limit set for ARYLAMIDE, in food is ten parts per billion, French fries and potato chips are found to contain more than a hundred times this amount!

ACRYLAMIDE is produced when foods are brown or burnt, or cooked or processed using high heat. These methods include frying, barbecuing, baking, and even by microwaving.

If you must cook your foods, choose to steam, fry or boil your foods instead. This way, the foods would not contain oxidants as you do not burn your food.         

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